The Most Transformative Investment I've Ever Made

Aug 14, 2024

Over the years, I've made some pretty remarkable investments—maxing out retirement accounts, paying off all my bad debt (taxes, family, credit cards), buying my mom a condo, and investing in companies that align with my values. But by far, the most transformative investment I’ve ever made was in myself.

The life I live today is proof that when you invest not only in your mental and physical health but also in your financial well-being, you step into the version of yourself you’ve always dreamed of being. For a long time, I was doing the mindset work—practicing yoga, embodying a more loving and accepting person. But deep down, I felt broken, hopeless, and afraid. I was the full-time yoga teacher preaching peace and positivity, while inside I was drowning in debt and uncertainty.

I spent four years teaching yoga—12 classes a week at studios, with private students, and in corporate offices. On the side, I waitressed to make ends meet. My favorite philosophy to teach was about remaining in discomfort, turning pain into light. I loved teaching slow vinyasa and yin classes because they allowed me to help others pause in the unpleasantness and find hope. But no matter how much I taught this, I couldn't escape my own financial wreckage.

It wasn’t until I started budgeting, setting boundaries, and seeking support—not saviors—that I began to energetically pick up the pieces of myself I had given away to others for free. For the first time in my life, I felt whole.

I’ll never forget the day I realized things had to change. It was the summer of 2016, and I sat down with my best friend, who was also my travel partner. We had backpacked through Asia and taken trips to Greece and Brazil. But when she suggested another adventure, I knew I had to say no. I looked into her eyes and told her, “I want so much more for myself.”

At that moment, I decided to face the debt that had been suffocating me—over $70,000 in total. I hadn’t paid my taxes in five years, hadn’t touched my credit card debt or student loans, and was sinking further into debt with my family. Every day, I lived in fear that I would be found out and punished. But on that warm Manhattan block, with my best friend’s hand in mine, I chose to take control of my life.

By 2020, when I first launched the Heal Your Relationship With Money course, I had just paid off all my credit card debt, filed and paid six years of back taxes, and put my student loans back into repayment. I had set up a payment plan with my family, paid off my accountant, and built enough savings to cover three months of living expenses. My credit score increased by 100 points (from the mid-500s), and I was able to participate in weddings and bachelorette parties without financial stress. I was on the path to saving for my own wedding and getting a puppy.

Fast forward to today, and my financial situation has transformed completely. I now maintain one month of expenses in my checking account, have a six-month emergency fund, and consistently fund my retirement accounts each year, setting myself up for a comfortable future. I bought my mom a condo, updated my wardrobe, and set up a 529 plan for my child with more money than I did cumulatively until I was 30 years old LOL. I’ve also put my will in place, achieved an 826 credit score, and I never worry about an emergency expense for my doggie Luna.

I got married, put $15k towards my wedding—all while never getting back into debt—and continue to attend an average of five weddings a year and travel to Europe every other year. I’m proud to say that I’m now completely financially stable, all while navigating a non-traditional career path.

There’s no end to our relationship with money, as it stays with us throughout our lives. But who I am today and how I feel about my life, money, and security is nowhere close to how I felt back then. After eight years on my financial freedom journey my cellular makeup is different. I no longer dread the mail or unexpected life events, It’s like I’ve become a different person—one who is confident, empowered, and secure.

This journey of transformation didn’t happen overnight, and it wasn’t easy. But it was worth every ounce of effort. Now, I help others experience this same shift. If you’re ready to step into the version of yourself that’s been waiting to emerge, I invite you to explore 1:1 coaching. Together, we can work on the financial health that will empower you to live the life you’ve always envisioned.

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