Artist Corner: Read this before getting new headshots! How to not break the bank
Dec 05, 2024
Read this before getting new headshots!
Hot take: your headshots don't have to break the bank.
Spending more money does not equal better quality, and there are definitely ways to plan for large professional expenses like these!
Here are 5 ways to get incredible new shots on a budget:
Split A Session
If you are an actor/artist who needs new headshots, I bet you know someone else who might be in the same boat. Session costs can be CUT IN HALF simply by doing a session with 1-2 friends.
Note: ask your photographer when you reach out to them if they are able to do a split session. That way, you know if it's an option before you put down a deposit!
Shop Your Friend's Closets
I'll be the first to admit I have gone out and bought new clothes for every headshot session I've done—literally every single one.
Now, you can definitely buy clothes and return them afterward. But you can also skip the spending money part entirely by shopping your friend's closets first.
Before your session, I recommend doing a mood board of each look you're going for to help guide the photographer and the session. Not only can this help you use your time most effectively, but you will know exactly what outfits to wear to fit your castability. Once you have a sense of the kinds of clothes you'll need, take a look at your closet first and then ask your friends if they have pieces to fill in the gaps.
Make a Savings Goal
Hear me out: you probably don't need new headshots RIGHT NOW. If you do have some time to plan and save (even just a few months!), I highly recommend doing so.
Add up your costs for the shoot and divide by the number of months you have before the session to get your monthly savings plan. For example: if the session is $500 and you have 4 months to save, you need to put aside $125/ per month for that goal.
Create a Birthday Headshot Fund
If people are already going to get you a gift for your birthday, and you need new the folks that want to spend money on you to Venmo!
Tell folks that in lieu of physical gifts or drinks this year, you would love a donation to your "Headshot Fund."
Ask Yourself: Want or Need?
Don't get new shots if you don't need them. Simple as that.
It can be so tempting to get new headshots every year, but in reality, great headshots can last you YEARS (especially if your look essentially stays the same!). Here are some questions I recommend asking yourself if you are struggling to decide if new shots are a want or need:
1) How long ago did I get headshots?
2) Has my look or castability changed?
3) Am I feeling an urgency to get new shots? If so, why?
4) Did my representation ask for updated shots?
Don't let your emotions run the show. Engage your logical brain in this decision!
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