Artist Corner: 5 (nearly free) Things You Can Do For Your Art TODAY

artists + money money tips + tricks Dec 05, 2024
5 nearly free things you can do for your art TODAY

5 (nearly free) Things You Can Do For Your Art TODAY

As an artist, I spent many years CONSTANTLY feeling like I had to spend money in order to advance my acting career.

Headshots, casting director workshops, acting classes, coaching for auditions, lights, mics, reel editing.....and that's the short list 😬 

It felt impossible not to spend money in order to network or keep my skills sharp. Can you relate??

I'm guessing yes. Which is why I compiled a list of 5 ways to stay inspired, embrace your artistry, and keep on budget 👀


Learn a new dialect

Youtube is still (mostly) free and has TONS of dialect and language resources. I also love following Keri Safran on Instagram for tips and she has a free accent e-book if you're not sure where to start. 

**bonus points if you learn a new dialect and then use it out at dinner (hehe)


Watch a new TV show or movie

I'm sure you're already paying for Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, etc. So get more bang for your buck baby!! Pick a new show or movie to watch and really let yourself be immersed in that world. It's a great conversation starter and who knows; maybe you'll find your next great scene for acting class!


Read Plays/Books about Art

A long long time ago we had.....libraries 📚

Just kidding, they are still around and typically will have an arts section; sometimes, even a specific section for plays. And now that we are in the digital age, at certain libraries, you can even check out digital copies!!

I'm an actor, so I immediately go to plays as my reading material. But if you are an artist of any kind, here are a few must-reads:

1) Big Magic (Elizabeth Gilbert)
2) The War of Art (Steven Pressfield)
3) Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott)
4) The Giacometti Portrait (James Lord)

PS: are you into classical theatre? want to read more plays by women? Check out Expand the Canon, a free resource by Hedgepig Ensemble Theatre. 


Develop a New Skill or Sharpen an Old One

Did you use to tap dance? Sing? Paint with watercolor and now only use acrylic? 

Our trusty friend Youtube will be helpful here again. See what you can find in online tutorials or classes and expand your artistic skill set. You never know when your new (old) skill might come in handy. PLUS this is a great way to scratch that creative itch in your brain and stretch yourself as an artist.


Move Your Body

That's it. Just move. Yoga, dance, go for a run, whatever you connect with. 

Movement does a few things for us:

1) Activates our breathing mechanism 
2) Connects us with our emotional body
3) Keeps us fit/physically healthy 

And so much more (all 3 things listen above are essential for artists, btw). 

You already know what I'm gonna say.....YOUTUBE (no, this blog is not sponsored). I'm just a 90's baby and a huge fan of Youtube for literally everything.


Experience Art outside of Your Medium

Are you an actor? Go to an art museum (many have free days, or low cost options for locals!)
Are you a dancer? Watch an Oscar winner from last year on streaming. 
Are you a visual artist? Read a new play.

Etc, etc. You get the idea. As an actor, of course, I love seeing plays and reading scripts. But I also love seeing other artists in their element; it's really inspiring 😍


What else would you add to the list?? DM me (Coach Rachel) on Instagram! I love hearing from you :) 

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